Project Kong

The ambition to on-sight 7a by an older man returning to climbing.

Posts Tagged ‘tabata protocol

Tabata protocol with light finger rolls

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 Got my burntillburn bar hanging from my wall. I rest my heels on the floor and start 20 second intervals with my palms towards me. Only made 4 sets which is just two minutes before i was in total agony and couldn’t continue. Ridiculously intense. The ten second interval for rest is only enough to get off the bar, shake your arms and get back on it. Ridiculous!! Next time I will do the turns slower as i really want to get to 8 reps of this in a set. Palms facing away just hurt my elbows too much and didn’t give me the same burn. The intervals only got really hard and worked when i had my palms towards me.

Written by Journo

October 9, 2009 at 12:05 pm